Roads police track stolen tractor to Orsett
Date of alert:
Thursday 15 September 2022
Crime Ref:
Essex Police
ROADS Policing officers tracking a stolen tractor and trailer to Orsett, find a second stolen trailer.
Officers on routine patrols on 31 August made the discovery after receiving information from the owner.
The plant equipment was reported as stolen from Tilbury just after 2.15am on 17 August.
PC Paul Glensman, one of the officers who found the stolen equipment, said: “Plant equipment is an expensive investment for any business. To have it stolen is a devastating loss for any company and it has a massive impact on any business activity.
“But we managed to locate it and reunite it with its rightful owners in a short space of time.”
Our Roads Policing Unit work hard to tackle and disrupt criminality on our roads in Essex, including organised crime and theft of high value vehicles.
The Roads Policing officer explained: “Preventing harm and saving lives are our priorities, and we will continue working with partners to achieve that.