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Nine-year-old painstakingly restores 1940s vintage tractor
Date of alert:
Wednesday 1 November 2023
Crime Ref:
A nine-year-old has painstakingly restored a 1947 David Brown Cropmaster, with his efforts to be showcased at an upcoming vintage tractor show.
Buddy Antcliff has well and truly been bitten by the vintage tractor bug, after himself and grandad Steve Lyne restored the 1940s-era tractor.
Buddy's mother, Rachel Anticliff said: “His grandad is a fanatic of classic tractors, and ever since Buddy was tiny he has always shown an interest in helping him on the farm and in his workshop.
“We don’t really see him at the weekend, as he stays with his grandad from Friday night until Sunday night – they have a very good bond and they do up all sorts of things."

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